Vivid Dream Reality 2 Read online

  Vivid Dreams Reality

  Book 2

  By Savannah Maun

  Vivid Dreams Reality Book 2 ©2017 Savannah Maun

  This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited. This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

  Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge. The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. This is only a story, and it contains a few swear words and mentions genitalia. There are sex scenes but care has been taken to imply rather than describe with very little details involved. If this is likely to offend, then please don’t read it.

  Cover Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

  Chapter 1

  General Pearson's Point of View (POV)

  I watched the recorded press conference and subsequent kidnapping footage from the beginning. This was looking like a clusterfuck and I wanted nothing to do with it. Rule number one, if you are going to make someone disappear, no one must know about it.

  Dr Sinclair was an arrogant prick who was so pissed that someone else had figured it out before him. According to information from Dr Marsden at the press conference, they could only produce women anyway. What use is a woman on a battlefield? I was getting a lot of heat to make this embarrassment go away, but I needed some kind of positive result to save my arse.

  My intelligence officer was in deep shit for not knowing about those cameras, if I can just prove that Dr Sinclair is wrong about their abilities, I can shove the rest of the shit coming from above onto him. Maybe, just maybe that will save my career. Maybe I can rig the tests somehow. If I can do that, then we can release them. They have to be undamaged though.

  They could be the key to helping the transgendered, who cared, there was no political will about that. They could be the key to helping people with physical disabilities, no one really cares about that either, or at least no one with any power. It was a potential cure for cancer, now we are in trouble. Everybody knows somebody close to them who has either died, suffered or been damaged by the deadly disease. Hell, even I knew somebody, and I was not going to be responsible for killing off a possible cure.

  I paused the recording and phoned Dr Sinclair.

  “General,” he greeted me.

  “Tell me again, exactly what you have planned.”

  “From the MRI...” he started.

  “Details, doctor, details,” I interrupted him, knowing he has a tendency to waffle.

  “Umm...I am going to perform a surgical procedure to remove an egg from each ovary, then we leave the opening in place and each time she produces a new egg, we can harvest it. We fertilize it with our best male specimens and implant it in a surrogate.”

  “You haven't even proved that there is anything special about them,” I reminded him.

  “What are you talking about? I sent you their eyesight and hearing test results. I tested them for strength and they were significantly above average.”

  “Why don't I have those results?”

  “I told you, my computer caught a virus that destroyed my data.” Now he sounded nervous. It was like telling the teacher that your dog had eaten your homework. Luckily for him we had examined his computer and had to agree with him. “We can test them again,” he finished with.

  “I will devise the testing and no surgery. There must be no evidence of damage. Can you do it without surgery?”

  “Yes, but it would be trickier and take more time. I can go through the vagina...” he said in a thoughtful voice.

  “I don't need that information, thank you. Was this for both girls?” I inquired.

  “No. The MRI only showed the abnormal ovaries on the green-eyed specimen.”

  “Specimen? Really? How many eggs can you remove, how often?” I prompted him.

  “Two eggs at a time. One from each side. I imagine they will take a month to regenerate.”

  I weighed up pros and cons and came to a decision. “Keep them sedated. Do the removal tomorrow, no surgery or any evidence of tampering. Then we will have to release them. You better manage to succeed with those two eggs or both our careers will be toast.”

  If he doesn't succeed, I can blame him for the failure. If he gets a surrogate pregnant, it will be nine months before any results and a lot longer before any real results will be available. Enough time for me to be retired. Forget testing them, this is much better.


  Tia's POV

  I woke up confused. I was in a hospital bed with my wrists handcuffed to the side railings. There was an IV stand with an empty IV bag leading to a tube inserted in my wrist. The last thing I could remember was heading to my suite in Lagbit's world. No, that wasn't quite true. I think I woke up from that and remember being unable to take the headset off because my hands were handcuffed together. Then I was fighting some unknown person. They were straightening my arm and I was trying to prevent that, but I didn't succeed and then I felt a pinprick, like a needle going in.

  I had been kidnapped. What about everybody else? “Vee!, Katie!, Roni!” I shouted.

  I heard a faint voice. “Tia!” It was Vee. I would recognise that voice anywhere.

  I waited to see if our shouting would get any response, but I literally couldn't hear anything else. I had pretty good hearing now and usually if I listened carefully I could hear the sounds of footsteps, talking or some kinds of rattle or bangs as things were moved. There were some faint outside sounds like cars and such, but nothing close.

  I decided to stick with Elven since I didn't know if anyone else could hear us. “Vee are you alright?”

  “I think so. I feel a bit sore, but everything is working. I can't hear anybody else. I think they have abandoned us,” she replied in Elven.

  “Are you tied down?” I asked.

  “Yes, my feet as well. Very undignified.”

  “I am going to try and get my hands free,” I told her. My hands had become a lot more slender and there was a flexibility with them that I didn't have before the transformation. It had been very handy in the bedroom on Lagbit's world, I wondered if I could do something similar now. I don't know how long I had been kept unconscious, but my breasts had developed further and right now I was really hungry.

  I squeezed my hand into its smallest profile and worked at pulling it through the handcuff on my non-IV side. It was a bit tight but I felt with a bit of patience it would work.

  “How is it going?” Vee asked.

  “I think I am getting somewhere.” Slowly so very slowly, almost a millimetre at a time I worked my hand loose. “Yes! One down, one to go,” I told her. I pulled the IV needle out and then started trying to work my other hand free. Again, it was working slowly until finally, it was free. It was a bit easier since I could use one hand to hold the handcuff and wriggle the other out.

  “I did it! I'm coming to find you. Start counting and I will follow your voice.” I was in a hospital gown and nothing else, but I trusted my hearing that said we were alone.

  My door wasn't locked, so I followed Vee's voice and entered an operating theatre. I thought she would be in a bed like me, but she was on an operating table. They hadn't even bothered to put a hospital gown on her. Her hands had been zip tied to the si
des of it and her feet tied the same, leaving her spread open in a very undignified way. A hot surge of anger rushed through me, but I tamped it down. That was not what she needed right now, so I rushed up to her and gave her a hug.

  “Honey, just hold on. I'm going to get something to cut these things and set you free.”

  “Hold on. Very funny. I'll just wait here shall I?”

  Beneath her humour, I could tell she was freaking out. I struggled to find anything sharp in the room and realized that I was going to have to leave her to look elsewhere. I took off my hospital gown and covered her with it.

  “I need to look elsewhere, but I don't want to leave you so we are going on a ride.” I unlocked the wheels and went through the door.


  “Yes, honey.”

  “Apart from maybe a bit of height, I think the rest of you is complete. Your face looks like it does on Lagbit's world,” she told me.

  “Do you have any idea how long we have been here?” I asked.

  “No. The last thing I remember we were heading back to our suite on Lagbit's world.”

  “I remember waking up and being stabbed with a needle, then nothing.” I walked naked down the corridor and headed for the exit. “I can hear some cars outside. I think I should head outside and get some help.”

  “I would say that you are not looking your best, but you look amazing. Enough to stop traffic. Are you going to be alright going outside with no clothes on?” She looked a bit worried for me.

  “I might get a little embarrassed.” I have never been an exhibitionist and I was only recently female, but I wasn't going to leave Vee on her own, so this seemed like the only option.

  “Just a little,” she said, somewhere between laughing and crying.

  I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss or a passionate one, but it was a caring one and made us both feel better.

  The exit, funnily enough, was locked, but the bolts and locking mechanism was on the inside so I was able to undo it and wheel us out onto the street. This wasn't our city, hell, it wasn't even our country. We had no idea where we were. Wherever we were it wasn't well travelled and we had to wait a few minutes for a car to come along, but when it did, I waved to grab the drivers attention. Note to self, waving your arms above your head while naked really makes your breasts say hello.

  The first car honked loudly and carried on. Fortunately, the second car that drove up stopped. A big African American gentleman got out, he left the car in the middle of the street.

  “What the hell?” he asked.

  I say, gentleman because that is what he was. He gave me his jacket to cover myself and allowed me to use his phone. I wanted to call Brett, but when you plug numbers into your phone, you don't tend to remember them. Instead, I had to look up VDR entertainment and ring reception. I was then rapidly put through to Roni. She got me to pass the phone back so he could tell them where we were and he promised to stay with us until help arrived. He had a toolbag in his boot, so we were able to free Vee, but I got her to stay on the operating table unless she wanted to flash the world like I had. He didn't have any more clothes to offer us.

  Within five minutes the police and ambulance arrived and we had to tell our story. They wanted to separate us, but we both resisted that and refused to leave each other's side. We found out that it was Friday, three days later. Vee needed to have the rape kit used. We don't know what happened but she was sore where she shouldn't be. There was a lot of hand-holding and tears, but we would get through it, together. We were taken by ambulance to another hospital. The media was already waiting and we had to go through a barrage of flashes to get inside. At least I was given a set of scrubs to cover myself up with and Vee was taken through on a stretcher with blankets covering everything.

  We were met there by a walking Katie, albeit using a walker, Roni and Brett. I think we all cried, even Brett.

  Chapter 2

  We were both going to be checked over. This included MRI scans, particularly of our reproductive organs. This was partially because of where Vee was sore, but also there was a strong suspicion that Dr Sinclair was involved. We all remembered that he had wanted to operate on Vee's ovaries. They had been trying to keep him under surveillance by monitoring his phone and iPad, but when we went missing so did he, unfortunately leaving his electronic equipment behind.

  We chatted while we were waiting, trying to catch up with our missing days. Much had happened in a short time whilst we were sleeping. Vee's parents had been contacted and were literally en route. Brett had tried to dissuade them since there was nothing that they could do to help. They would be arriving in the mid-afternoon and he had organised a driver to pick them up. At present Brett had invited them to stay with him. We still had to work out where we were going to stay.

  Brett had gone all out trying to find us, deliberately creating a media storm. Sam refused to talk, which was handled by the FBI since the case was declared a kidnapping. That didn't help the government who disclaimed all knowledge of the affair. The cameras that recorded the abduction showed the faces of individuals who, according to the press, were supposed to work for the department of defence, so no one really believed them.

  The British press added to the pressure and also lambasted the British government for not making a big enough deal about the abduction of two British citizens.

  The public was roused to anger and the politicians were scrambling to agree. When Katie started walking after only two days, the possibilities that had been casually mentioned by Dr Marsden were debated repeatedly on television. VDR entertainment had been flooded with applicants who wanted treatment or who wanted to be part of the research into treatment. The government did not help their standing by issuing a court order that no human testing was allowed until the process was better understood. This was at least partially due to Dr Marsden going into detail about the differences that had been noted on MRI and the unknown consequences of those differences.

  The plan to introduce another vector responsible for the changes, such as mushrooms, had been dropped when it was decided that it needed to be public knowledge how important I was to the process. The use of the VDR was put forward as a supporting role. It did put more pressure on me and made security a nightmare, but I didn't blame anybody. The whole purpose was to get me free and it seemed to have worked. A secondary consequence of linking VDR with a major healing breakthrough was the shares went up dramatically.

  Brett created a new company called Body Image Shaping that would be run by Katie. All enquires needed to be redirected to that company. Mexico, sensing an opportunity had offered sanctuary and that they would not interfere in any testing of this exciting new field. The Mexican government had also offered to help with creating a Mexican identity for any participants.

  Mexico was only the first such country to recognise the significance of the treatment and its potential. There were many other offers. Fiji offered a relatively large island, although there was a cost involved, it was not a monetary one. It would need a lot of development, but if you had an island, security arrangements could be very effective. Brett informed us that the company he had created consisted of the first four elves, so all the decisions would be ours.

  Of our first two experiments, well, Roni was clearly looking younger every day, any other changes were between her and her doctor. Katie started feeling sensation in her legs after just one night's sleep and after the second was able to use her muscles again. They remained very weak at the moment but none of us thought that would last long. As far as her sexual orientation was concerned, she had switched teams. Both Roni and her had been visiting VDR every day as part of the process. In VDR Katie had tried going on a date with a guy and even kissing him at the end, but all her interest had disappeared. She visited Lagbit on her own, going back to the original starting point, experimented with another elf and found her orientation was clear. She was a lesbian. She also told us that her version of Lagbit's World was very differen
t to mine. The characters were all new and seemed to have less personality.

  We still had a lot of questions to answer, but it was clear that is was not going to be done in the USA. The debates that had been stimulated had put forward some more ideas that we could look into. One that none of us had considered was the amount of strain the process might put on my mind. After Myra had complained of her weariness we took that thought seriously and, at the very least, would go with her suggestion of a maximum of one per day with occasional days off. The other possibility was that my brain would get stronger over time. That was presuming I was involved in the process as more than just the catalyst. There were researchers from all over the world who wanted to help us understand.

  The immediate question was about our health and the rape kit suggested something had been inserted into Vee. There was damage to her vagina walls and the MRI suggested there was also damage to her ovaries. I was also checked but appeared unharmed. We were unsure if the damage would affect her fertility, but then we didn't know how that worked anyway. I had the thought that if we went back into VDR and did another ceremony using the Kara essence, we should be able to return everything to normal. Myra should be able to do a healing spell that at least would let us know if there was any permanent damage.